Unlimited one-time payments, transactions up to $20K.
Builds credit
Renters can opt-in to free credit reporting.
Minimize late payments
You get paid on time, tenants enjoy flexibility.
Export reports
Download transactions as CSV or Quickbooks files.
Free and easy
Zero fees for both landlords and tenants.
Direct deposit
Secure, industry-standard ACH bank transfers.
High limits
Unlimited one-time payments, transactions up to $20K.
Builds credit
Renters can opt-in to free credit reporting.
Minimize late payments
You get paid on time, tenants enjoy flexibility.
Export reports
Download transactions as CSV or Quickbooks files.
Built for rent
From individual owners to large-scale property managers, we support every type of rental portfolio.
Rent App
No fees
Minutes to set up
Free credit building
Split rent payments
Operator dashboard
No limits
Live support
Information presented is based on publicly available data as of November 2024.
Landlords love us
Chris Godfrey Units: 12
Consolidation of all my rents in one place, and direct deposit is where it’s at. No more running all over town and then trying to make it to the bank on time.
Ali & Josh Lupo Units: 16
Rent App is a complete game changer for landlords. It is 100% free, payments land directly in our bank account, and our tenants get to build credit while renting.
Amir Alqadiri Units: 2
Makes it so easy to collect rent payments and I don’t have to pay the bank any wire fees, which is huge because the fees can really add up! Thank you guys for streamlining the whole process and making it easy to process those payments!
Teresa Chappa Units: 22
We are able to have rent directed to several different accounts; which allows for our account to review very easily! Our tenants really like the autopay feature as well as the ability to build credit.
Amanda Schmader Units: 8
It’s a free way for tenants to pay rent digitally without having to send a check in the mail and without having to pay some sort of fee associated with their rent, which is what most other apps require.
Greg Challman Units: 9
Rent App has streamlined my landlord experience, making tenant sign-ups easy. I appreciate the credit reporting feature and excellent customer service. Excited for future growth!
Made by Cash App alumnus
Passionate technologists with decades of experience across finance, real estate, consumer, security, and beyond.
A landlord can reject or return a payment when they receive the initial notification from Rent App. If a payment is rejected, the renter will be notified, and funds will not be debited. Once a payment has been accepted and sent, it cannot be returned. Any subsequent payment to a renter must be handled outside of Rent App.
Yes. Rent App has several risk protection mechanisms in place to ensure the validity of transactions. Transactions may be blocked if Rent App can't find matches between the Rent App account owner, property owner, or primary bank account name.When setting up an account on behalf of a landlord, we recommend using email over Google/Apple SSO and creating a means to share the password.
Landlord can add up to 10 bank accounts.
Yes! Each renter must pay their landlord separately or designate one renter as the primary payer. You cannot merge multiple rent payments into one at this time.
Yes! Landlords with a Rent App account and properties added can go to their dashboard, click on the property, and select "New Payment Request."Here, landlords can designate the amount and destination bank account. A shareable link will be generated for the landlord to send directly to their tenant(s).Currently, landlords can only create one payment link per property. In the situation where a landlord has two or more tenants paying rent for the same property, we recommend having the renter initiate the payment. Renters can manually add a specific unit they rent or simply add the property address. We hope to support multiple payment links per property soon.
Book a call
Learn more about streamlining your rental operations with Rent App.
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